Item Magazine #3

Development, design and the publication of the student magazine »item«.


Editorial Design
The cover of Item #3


Summer semester 2021


Social Media


Adobe Suite
Drawing Neural Network


HTW Berlin
Sally Paschmann


Miguel Martín Betancor, Barnabás Böröcz, Bengi Günay, Renée Klöffer, Julia Krämer, Sonja Kotlyar, Chikoba Masonga, Dennis Mayerhöffer, Karoline Nørbæk, Franziska Saischek, Jonah Seifried, Yana Sokova, Tina Thalmann


Item (Independent platform for the Transfer of Educational impulses via a student Magazine) is the student magazine of the Department of Design and Culture at HTW Berlin. Initially developed by Sally Paschmann in 2019 as part of her bachelor’s thesis.

The third issue addresses the prefix »trans« and therefore ventured »across«, »through« and »to the other side«: How do our society, our culture and our visual perception transform? And what responsibility do designers face in a world that is constantly changing?

Questions like these were raised by us and we received exciting contributions from authors such as Ellen Lupton, Lesli Xia, Francesca Schmidt, Hannah Witte and many more. In addition, the third issue presents 23 interesting student projects that were developed in the last semesters at HTW Berlin.

Design challenge

Our task in this semester was to develop issue number 3 from scratch. We had to find a compelling theme, recruit authors and participants, and create a new and fresh design overall. Throughout the semester, we acquired extensive knowledge about the magazine medium. We learned how to execute an exciting project as a team, comprehend the connection between editorial and design, oversee the printing production, and collectively interpret the third edition of »item« in new and innovative ways.


pages: 120

dimensions: 210 x 275 mm

circulation: 350

technique: off-set printing with ring binding containing varying formats and foldable pages

Available through Instagram

Magazine cover
Pile of magazines
Article on Hacking the Patriarchy
Color is used to transcend
The foldable pages reveal an interview about NFTs
Projects from students are showcased in the portfolio section
A poster featuring a small discovery game
Our process in Miro
Shipment Preparation
I was in charge of creating various social media content
No items found.

Next project

Wo ist der Speisesaal?

Creating a revolutionary wayfinding system without using arrows.

Concept Design, Wayfinding
Showing the new concept in front of the dining area.

Next project

We Are Saving the Wrong Bees

Using data visualization to illustrate a misunderstanding of bees.

Data Visualization
Displaying a still of the data visualization.

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Inclusive daycare and user-friendly cross-media learning.

Design Research
The five Kubino prototypes we built.

Next project

Don’t Be A Spreader

Emphasizing the importance of personal space and boundaries on public transportation in Berlin.

Graphic Design
Cover image of the project "Don't Be A Spreader." It depicts the project sticker being used in the U-Bahn.

Next project


Enhancing gender-neutral typography research and exploring innovative methods.

Design Research, Typography

Next project

Item Magazine #3

Development, design and the publication of the student magazine »item«.

Editorial Design
The cover of Item #3