Inclusive daycare and user-friendly cross-media learning.


Design Research
The five Kubino prototypes we built.


Working student position at HTW Berlin




Design Thinking Methods
Premiere Pro


HTW Berlin
ASH Berlin


Prof. Alexander Müller-­Rakow
Antonia Schäfer
Felix Sewing
Sebastian Strobel


The research project PIIQUE aims to contribute to the professionalization of early childhood education by examining inclusive design of daycare routines and current training and development opportunities. The goal is to develop cross-media learning resources based on the acquired knowledge of inclusion-related competencies.

Inclusive education in daycare focuses on promoting diversity appreciation and the participation of all children in their daily routines. PIIQUE investigates a specific daily routine in daycare, which is the morning circle time. This is a time when children and educators gather, exchange ideas, and collaboratively plan their day. Despite its significance in shaping the daycare experience, there is a lack of empirical knowledge regarding inclusive practices in the context of morning circles.

Design challenge

The aim of PIIQUE is to examine how inclusion can be naturally embedded in the everyday interactions of a childcare facility. Simultaneously, PIIQUE identifies potential barriers to inclusivity during the research process and explores ways to overcome them.

The project started with two research strands, which have progressively intertwined throughout the course of the project. We employ videography as a method and utilize a pool of iterative and participatory design-based methods for our research.

The Process

I was particularly involved in conceptualizing and creating design-based methods.

Design methods are a practical approach to a solution-oriented and user-centered process to achieve innovative solutions while incorporating the challenges of all stakeholders involved. Design methods have become a proven strategy for innovation development.

At the core is the development of a cross-media learning format with involvement of potential users. There are numerous design methodological approaches available, all of which are essentially equal and adaptable to the context in which they are used. In general, these approaches emphasize the inclusion of users, adopting a pragmatic approach, and quickly moving into the testing phase for prototypes.

»Design research is a systematic search for and acquisition of knowledge related to general human ecology.«

A. Findeli by Bruce Archer (2010)

My involvement

We defined initial challenges in our team and discussed them with our scientific advisory board as potential areas of focus. To gather more insights, we conducted a Co-Creation Workshop involving early childhood education professionals, students, e-learning experts, and designers. In this workshop, we assessed the challenges in training and professional development, generated ideas, and explored potential solutions.

Therefore, we decided on a timetable and created correlation workshop materials. These materials consist of a large board where participants can write, glue things, and creatively make it their own.

In addition, we create various prototypes for participants to try out and provide valuable feedback on. A total of 5 prototypes were created, called »Kubino«. Each prototype has different actuators and sensors to support educators in their daily daycare tasks, like decision-making with children and reducing language barriers.

The Kubino family.
The RFID Kubino reacts to a chip.
Workshop preparation.
Hosting the workshop at a kita.
Creative play played a vital role in the workshop.
Receiving everyone's feedback and gaining new insights.
An in-depth examination of the workshop board we created.
The workshop board in use.
Presenting our progress at the Werkschau 2022.
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Displaying a still of the data visualization.

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Inclusive daycare and user-friendly cross-media learning.

Design Research
The five Kubino prototypes we built.

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Graphic Design
Cover image of the project "Don't Be A Spreader." It depicts the project sticker being used in the U-Bahn.

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Item Magazine #3

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Editorial Design
The cover of Item #3